Gratefully Received Reiki Recipient Love
First, let me comment on Nicole Higashi as a person. Nicole is one of the most compassionate, caring, happy, optimistic, and energetic people you will ever meet. Being around Nicole is like being around warm light, radiant energy, and fresh air. When you meet her, you will know what I'm talking about. She is just a beautiful person from the inside out.
My first encounter with Nicole was via a Reiki I Certification class. As a health practitioner with a "scientific" way of thinking (and a natural skepticism), I wasn't sure that I was ready to take a plunge into the unknown. But, I sincerely believe that I was led to Nicole by a gentle nudge from God, the universe, or whatever you may choose to call the supernatural force that's around you. Nicole was extremely patient with me, answering all of my questions via email. Her Reiki classes are extremely light hearted, easy going, insightful, and full of positive energy. There was no pressure at all, and everyone in the group was happy to be there. I am SO happy I took this FUN class!
My next encounter with Nicole was as a patient/client. It's hard to explain, but I wasn't feeling like myself...kind of like I was feeling run down, in a rut, and not quite my true self. The Reiki healing session ended up being one of the most peaceful experiences I've ever been a part of. After the healing session, I felt lighter, happier, more energetic, "clearer", and significantly more at peace. In addition, I feel more well rested after sleep.
Nicole is the real deal, my friends. Take it from an increasingly open-minded (former) skeptic. For those of you interested in learning more about what this "mysterious Reiki thing" is about, take the Reiki I certification class, as I did. You won't regret it.
Love and gratitude to you Nicole, and to all reading this review.
~T. K., Fullerton, CA
©2023 by Higashi Healing